Moments of Grace: Holistic Health Coaching with Grace Asagra-Stanley

What is the Integrative Nutrition approach of the Skinny Carib® Kitchen & Pantry?

Each of us, no matter how talented, skilled or committed we are to our goals, usually gather around us a group of friends, family and other professionals to make accomplishing our goals that much more possible, positive and pleasant.

Though health and fitness has been on many of our personal agendas for as long as we can remember, at times it seems that none of the other “goal-list” items seem to provide us with enough time, energy and money to get around to this very personal goal of ours.

The irony, of course, is that in order for us to be at our best in accomplishing our other “goal-list” items OR to be able to enjoy them once we achieve them, we MUST be as healthy as possible.

This is where the Skinny Carib ®  and Holistic Health Coaching have crossed paths, to the betterment of ALL of us who share the vision: “Healthy Living, Loving and Laughing, Caribbean Style!

As Grace Asagra Stanley, a personal health coach of the Skinny Carib states, “In 1985, I remember eyes staring at me like I was of green skin and alien birth, when all I was talking about was what seemed to me to be a simple, even clichéd concept: the idea that, Each of us have the power to keep ourselves healthy.”    

Yet, within the last 10 years, the eyes staring back at Holistic Health Coaches everywhere have replaced their incredulous gazes with wide-eyed curiosity. 
These are exciting times!  

The decisions of many individuals to put “Health and Wellness” at the top of their “To Do” List has led the medical professions and Holistic Health practitioners into a new and harmonious home.   This isn’t a surprise to us Carib Kin.  Why?  We’ve long been family to medical doctors, nurses, herbalists and individuals with specific health/wellness needs.   Contrary to the anti-“medical professional” sentiments of some who have embraced nutrition, exercise and general natural approaches to health, we support and encourage medically informed decisions.   The Skinny Carib, Monique S. Simón often recounts fondly the day her Internist wrote the words CO Q10 and Vitamin D, with recommended amounts, on a prescription pad.   If you sit and have tea with her long enough, she’ll also produce the copy of her Chronic Disease specialist prescription script that reads: “Rest and Reduce Stress” as his response to “What do I tell them at work?” after the two discussed what to do about the return of an active stage of Epstein Barr.  (And no, we are not violating her HIPAA rights here.  She is very open about the reality of this illness and the self-care, including Holistic Health Coaching that makes being “well” with a chronic condition possible.)

Before we cry foul when speaking in broad & disdainful terms of the body of medical professionals, we may need to ask ourselves a critical question.
Where is “eating well”; “moving happy” and “discovering the best information about my health” on MY “To-Do-Goals List”?

Follow the lead of the recent bill, now signed into law in the United States: HR 3590, which identifies a change to health professionals—a shift from disease management to health promotion and wellness.

We celebrate your commitment to Healthy Living, Loving and Laughing—Caribbean Style.   You are with us, connecting to our blogs, Facebook pages, and websites for a reason:  you’re upgrading your To-Do-Goal List, not just for you, but for ALL your kin folk.  

Together we are a deep, ancient well and a fresh, young Spring of healthful information.

In Global Wellness,

now Saying who is Grace...

Grace Asagra-Stanley, RN-HC
read bio on our site link and connect to her at

NEVER substitute someone else's judgment  for your own, that of your nutritionist, Holistic Health practitioner-OR-Medical Professional. 
There is NO ALTERNATIVE  MEDICINE to the applied wisdoms of practicing professionals in the healing fields of herbs, medicine and good nutrition!  
Here are a few useful links:

For Serious and NOT-so serious chefs, our picks for "one-to-one" sugar substitutes: