Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mr. Pantry Picks: Informative Articles

News of the World, by Idea go

Hi, we've met, so I don't need to explain the Mr. in my name again.  Or do I?   I'm the man in the Skinny Carib's life.   I'm here to support her in the kitchen.   All around shelf-stocker, herb/spice picker, and keeper of the pant-tree gardens is how I spend my day-to-day. 

I also do extensive research for my Skinny Carib(R) Honey.    When I find articles loaded with trustable, authenticated facts about food, herbs, spices and healthful supplements I know she'd like to share with her guests, I post them here.  She has enough on her plate over at the Skinny Carib(R) Kitchen.   Besides when I support her, by taking stock of myself, we all benefit.

Article 1:
Our Title: The Skinny on Aloe Vera by Mike Adams   

Vive La France! careful about the sulfites

One of the things that surprises MOST people about me is that I really don't enjoy alcohol.   I often like the taste of alcoholic drinks, but have never liked the way they feel in my body. 

Little did I know, this simple "taste" preference may have saved my life.

You see, I am allergic to a key ingredient in most wines, beers, preserved meats, and even my beloved pickle.   This ingredient is sulfite.  It's also found in many dried fruits and some red fruit drinks.  (The list is much longer and I provide the link a bit later.)

What concerns me most about this is not my own health, but that considering the potential severity of the reaction for some groups of people, so many of us go untested, untreated and unconcerned, believing our headaches and shortness of breath (to name two common reactions) to be related to stress, heat or some other factor.  Potentially more dangerous is the fact that we treat our ailments with drugs that may either contain a similar compound or react poorly when mixed with sulfite-containing foods.  

Because this allergy is reported as 1 in 100, it seems  rare to some--peanuts, wheat, eggs, dairy etc. get center stage at the allergen table.   Sulfite-allergies are also ones you can develop over time, so here again, the possibility of blaming the allergic reactions on some other cause is likely.  

DO NOT take my word for it.  I would be mortified.   Do read this article from the very trusted source: WebMD.   As you read the article on WebMD, consider that if the number of those affected by this allergy is only 1 in 100 --then in Brooklyn, NY alone, that's 25,000 of us.  Consider also that restaurants buy in bulk--many owners trained in scalable costs and bulk food preparation, NOT in nutrition and chemical additives.   After a while, the numbers of people and the potential encounters you will have with sulfites add up.  If you are sulfite-sensitive or severely allergic (for example for many asthmatics) OR you take a medication that could interact with sulfites--consider all of the above with great care and caution. 

Dried fruit, lunch meats, pickles, wine, beer, jams, jellies --ALL foods I love to taste or eat--can also create the kinds of physical reactions that bring about some very unhappy chemical mixes that make it difficult for your to cope with stress--physical, mental and emotional.   What do most of us do when stressed --eat more of the same kinds of food--then the cycle of unhealthy feelings, thoughts and actual physical stress continues.   This is why I take the time out to discuss these kinds of unsavory matters with my Carib Kin.  I would frankly, be more popularly received by some if I smply made it easier to repeat our recipes as we rememember them---but can they be if we don't use fresh, local farm ingredients and your grandmother (like mine) isn't the one who actually salted and left the cod out to dry in her outdoor kitchen?   Is your and my beloved guayaba jam the same as the one brewed at stove top with doors wide open and women yelling out from one kitchen window to another about the latest happening in town.

To be honest, I have deep concerns about our diets in particular because we are so good at recreating the flavours of our Carib Kin without the benefit of the fresher, more globally healthful ingredients.   So I share this with you because as we cook and mix drinks together, feel connected over old flavours like they are long-loved kin returned for the stay--it would do my heart a service to know that you are keeping watch (even if it takes a notebook & pen) over your/your kin's ability to tolerate certain foods.

As you know, I'm not a doctor, nurse, or holistic health practitioner.   So, I don't write blog entries dealing with serious health matters solely from my own experiences.  Nor am I terribly moved to suggest the latest herbal-trend because it was helpful to someone who is now a convert.   I've had one too many people suggest to me that there was a vitamin or herb that would magically cure some ailment they knew very little about.  With some complicated, non-visible disabilities, they can be as intractable as being hearing-impaired---and NO, as far as we know, on some store shelf in Healthy Herb Shop 2011, there is NOT an herb for that!  At least not yet--and no one is more interested than I am in finding it.

In fact, some people are so allergic to some herbs, it can kill them.   I almost served a friend of mine a dish of death via parsley-encrusted fish.   Fortunately, she knew the smell well enough to say "I can't".  (I've never fully recovered from the experience...)  I also instantly get the taste of metal in my mouth when I imbibe a tea that has hidden amounts of chamomile--no severe reaction yet, but enough to make me very uncomfortable.

So, be aware, be sensitive, be wise.  Bring a dish if you know you have a sensitivity.  Prepare alternatives before you feed your family the latest round of digestive aids or advice because the item on your table doesn't bother you! 

Again, here is the article:    (Yet, even WebMD says that you NEED to make an informed decision with the help of medical/nutritional professionals.)

Now that you have some insights, also track your reaction to MSG (check the back of that Spanish rice seasoning packet!), Aspartame (I don't need to read the label here, I feel it within minutes!), and really every label of every food you purchase.  Develop a keen dietary awareness of you and those you love.
There are a variety of options out there.  When they are on sale, buy in bulk---hence the call, once again for converting that sock draw into a mini-pantry.

I know I may very well be the bearer of bad news, but 20 years ago, restaurants & food products didn't advertise as No-MSG.   Twenty years from now, I'd like to sit at any table in any country where my Carib Kin reside and eat without worry.   Wouldn't you? 

Many More Images of Wine, Beer, & Other Kitchen Items on poster, laminate, wood, canvas or framed by clicking through our affiliate link here:  MORE PICS, PLEASE :-).  Thank you, if you see something you like and can afford, your purchase through this link, makes it possible for us to continue the resarch that makes these blogs possible. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The "Skinny Carib" Pantry is Cleaning Up His Act!

We're cleaning out the pantry, and hope you are, too.

As the Skinny Carib herself described in her blog on being "healed" by her grandmother through herbs & food, I, as her Skinny Carib companion, Mr. Pantry am getting a good cleaning in order to prepare for some new experiences with food, folklore and all around festive living.   I've found a GREAT PARTNER in the Skinny Carib, and I aim to please her passions. I also plan to charm her with a few surprises, as I've been communicating with her healing friends and folks.  

They know more about the needs of ALL her dinner guests.   They also know she'll listen to a variety of palettes and health needs because she can't help herself, she LOVES a good party and it's not much of a party if everyone isn't having some fun.

I tossed my other cleansers and I'm going totally eco-human friendly.   She's  a sensitive soul--the kind who reacts to everything from the heart.  So only eco items that allow us to give back to communities in need  have been invited to my bachelor party.

Legacy of Clean(TM) products have been Eco and Human-friendly since 1959.   Good for you, good for the environment, and gives generously to communities in need.

See, My Skinny Carib honey has sensitive skin, so I'm not keeping anything around that is into Stripping her precious caramel-color or tarnishing those nutmeg brown lips or rich, ground-clove, painted-by-God hair!  I know which cleaning products will help take good care.   There are others out there, but I had to make a choice and commit to one I know has had longevity.   

I'm not anti the young, because sometimes newer is better.  Sometimes you learn from old mistakes.   Sometimes your best love is your newest love & even one who has had a long history in casting off the things that no longer do the job for her clean, happy soul.  However long it took for us to find each other, I'm just glad we did.

I'm not just a home-body either.  I do take her on a few trips--even if it's just to the mall to check out some eco-wear for body and habitat.   So, I'll be man-toting along a few items for those everyday excursions.   I bought her the pink and myself the blue.  Check it out.

Toletta, (as seen on "The Doctors" TV program)
THE antibacterial, larger, thicker, patented ultimate in toilet seat protection:
BLUE PACKS give back to Children in Poverty
Pink Packs support the CURE for Breast Cancer.  

Then, after a long day's shopping, especially in polluted air..., we might soak in the hot tub, with some relaxing salts and oils.  Maybe some ambient light, nice music, & something to just freshen things up between us.   I met this guy, old friend over at Peace Pair, LLC, and he had some really good advice.  See he's had a bit more experience with this good, clean life than I have.

He suggested one place for almost all of the above: The Himalayan Salt Shop

All I had to do was pick the music.   Luckily my Skinny Carib honey has an awesome Caribbean music suite over at her place.  I made some copies.
My mom likes my Skinny Carib honey so it's all good!
Now Playing at The Himalayan Salt Shop: A Mother's Day Special
Use Link: Skinny Carib Recommends and add this coupon code mday2011 for 15% off everything in store.
You know, a good pantry man has to be healthy about his finances, too.

Yup, and now, I'm doing the gift registry thing and looking through all the stores; I hear there's going to be all kinds of  Skinny Carib(R) Home Selects
images, postcards, miniatures, eco-linens,'s hard to follow her when she gets excited.  I just kinda watch her move, and she knows how to keep the costs in line, so I let her do what she does, 'cause it works.
Here's the card we put together: me and her for the Holidays and party invitations.  Sorry, man...don't know exactly what she has planned when.  I keep a lunar calendar around though, and I picked up a little French: "Quand la lune est plein" =
Whenever the moon is full.  I'll hook you up, don't worry--Inbox or Mailbox, brother, whatever you want! 

Shopping for the new Carib Folks home?  Yeah, that's been going well, too.  In the mean time, we've been picking out some of the pictures and stuff.  You know how much she loves art.   We got all kinds of good-looking, different stuff, even a bunch of stuff for my Man Pantry: quotations on poster, laminated posters, giclee prints, French signs printed on tin, wood-mounted Japanese art-work, canvas-mounted classics & some solid wood-framed stuff, too.   Yeah, sure, use our affiliate link Skinny Carib Home Selects  and check out the discounts and specials.  

Let me upload you this picture--it cracks me up!  My Skinny Carib honey just bought it.  It's this cool French sign on tin "La Malaceiine" with a girl washing her hands in an old-fashioned Caribbean basin.   Let's just say every time I see it, I remember why she displays it right next to the sink in La Salle de Bains :-).  That whole good, clean life thing again...

Your guess is as good as mine.  All I know for sure is August 2012, but you'll know when I know.